Trees and electricity (Brazil)
History always repeats itself. With every downpour/windstorm, trees and branches fall onto the power lines. The consequences are also the same. More or less serious accidents with deaths and/or injuries. And invariably, interruptions in the supply of electricity.
I will dare to make a suggestion. Instead of having so many “entities” involved, unify responsibilities to simplify strategies and actions. For example, in São Paulo, the issue depends on the City Hall, the local power Distributor, the Fire Department, depending on each case. If only the Distributor (for example) were responsible, it would be much easier and faster to act.
And also a single company would receive (via tariff) the amount to do “everything”. And most importantly, a prevention and inspection plan would be required as it should be.
In other words, proactivity! And not the current reactivity. Where I live in the southern part of the city of São Paulo, most of the interruptions occur due to lack of prevention (pruning and/or removing trees). Do we have the interest and capacity to learn and progress?