On Hydrogen | Manchester University
Several policies would speed up the decarbonisation of
small industrial emitters:
• Expand the Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge
competitions to include deployment and cluster plans
for small industrial emitters.
• Require the recently established large industrial
clusters to attract, train and host experts, tasked with
providing small industrial emitters with expertise in
decarbonisation and related safety matters.
• Bring forward the implementation of the carbon border
adjustment mechanism from 2027 to 2025, to level
the playing field with imported manufactured goods
sooner. The carbon levy can be phased in early, starting
with the most carbon-intensive goods only (such as
steel) and expanding the list of goods each year.
• Fund research and modelling to compare potential
electricity-based vs. hydrogen-based and carbon-
capture supply chains for decarbonising small
industrial emitters.
• Aligned with the carbon levy, introduce progressively
tightening emission standards for heavy goods vehicles
within these supply chains, to avoid carbon emissions
from transportation.
• Reduce UK ETS (Emission Trading Scheme) carbon
price for reused and recycled industrial inputs, as part
of encouraging a circular economy approach. Any reuse
and recycling should be accompanied by life-cycle
assessment to ensure that reuse processes themselves do
not unintentionally increase carbon emissions.
• Sponsor a large-scale public and business awareness
campaign about maintaining, repairing and the
durability of goods (calling out wasteful practices like
planned obsolescence), thereby reducing demand for
industrial production