Energy: Do you have a story to tell?
It’s a great way to show what worked and thus gain respect from an audience qualified in the energy field.
It’s also an excellent way to offer lived experiences that can be used by other companies and institutions, including:
* Contracting of electrical energy
* Contracting of other sources (gas, biomass, solar, etc.)
* Management of energy use (demand, consumption, power factor)
* Retrofit to reduce energy consumption
* Generation, cogeneration and high voltage connections
* Mitigation of energy price and availability risks
* Structured models (BOT, EPC, Performance Contracting, etc.)
And so, everyone wins! It’s simple and easy in 6 “items
” 1. Send a text (1 page Word) and/or video (max 2 minutes) describing the desired case
2. The case can be from the list above
3. It is not necessary to identify the name of the company where the case occurred
4. The responsibility for the veracity of the case lies exclusively with the author
5. I will approve the text for publication on my social media according to my criteria
6. If hired (optional), I will evaluate the case visiting the solution to “endorse” it