Energy: do you have the profile of a winner?
The energy bill is usually in the Top 10 of the list of costs for companies and institutions. And, in selected segments, in the Top 5.
Do you dedicate yourself proportionally to the importance of the energy bill?
The answer is usually NO! For the simple fact that the most frequent perception is that it is an “inelastic” bill. In this sense, there would not be “much” to do!
The good news is that if you want to be at the “forefront” of the market, in the energy sector, there is a list of actions that can bring great additional results in cost reduction. From the “low cost or no cost” type to those that require investment.
In fact, there is usually a wide range of opportunities. The challenge is to identify the opportunities, discover how they could be captured and decide to “make it happen”. If you would like support to follow this successful path, get in touch!