Energy: a time for change
Changes in the energy matrix profile of a large number of countries point to a renewable trend.
And so, new needs are being identified to meet the “new developments” represented mainly by the “non-firm” characteristic of these renewable sources.
Leading countries are making a very valuable decision: they have reduced the time frame for each project to comply with all regulatory and licensing stages. This applies to both official bodies and interested parties, potential energy consumers.
I watched a webinar last week, in which an executive from an American energy company reported that it is now possible to make a project happen in 2 years, including all licensing.
Here in Brazil, I participated as a consultant in a case in which the concessionaire indicated the need for 7 years to make it possible to serve a load (data center) to meet all “official” requirements (environmental licensing, approval of distribution line projects, feasibility of the right-of-way, highway crossing, among others).
We urgently need to wake up to the new global reality. Otherwise, we will continue to be at the bottom of the market. It’s a matter of choice!