Illinois Wind Farm Lights may shine on West Michigan…
I bill in the Illinois house will require the state to seek money for and back an offshore windfarm in Lake Michigan, because of the very small amount of lakeshore in Illinois, the wind farm to reach the desired size will likely have to be built well into waters that are close to Michigan.
Since Michigan’s EGLE has not put any offshore wind in the state plan, Michigan will likely have little standing in this matter, especially with the changes to permitting for wind and solar.
I wish Illinois the best of luck in building this massive wind farm and using the energy for the next 20-30 years. The Lake is shallow, meaning easy building and no floating turbines to worry about. When it operates it will likely be some of the lowest cost power in the US.
I further wish Michigan would get it’s act together on wind farms in Lake Michigan. Huron is too deep for each wind farms, and superior is way too deep. Bringing the transmission ashore at Ludington would be a major bonus.