One of the longest collaborators and partners we’ve been fortunate enough to welcome into the Energy Central community over the years has been Esri. Armed with multiple industry leaders and members of the Energy Central Network of Experts—Bill Meehan, Pat Hohl, and Tom Coolidge—Esri had made its presence felt, and I imagine that most members on the Energy Central platform have read their contributions and learned something new.
From original articles to sharing breaking industry news to appearing on Energy Central podcasts and webinars, the esteemed Esri team truly has done it all, and the results speak for themselves: we want to recognize and celebrate that the Esri team has collectively passed a tremendous milestone:
500,000 total views on Energy Central
Given the audience of Energy Central comprises a targeted collection of utility leaders, decision-makers, and influencers, each and every single ‘view’ provides some value, but amassing half a million of them is a whole different level!
All of us at the Energy Central Community Team want to recognize and thank Esri for their longtime partnership, expertise, and continued contributions to our beloved community. Thank you for all that you do!
And to have a little fun recognizing this milestone, we thought we’d pull together some our the best, most read, and most informative content from Esri over the years in a number of different categories. Check these out to revisit or read for the first time, and hey if you have any questions or ideas for the Esri team as they continue to be a fixture of the Energy Central Community then please leave them in the comments below.
Most Views of All Time
Make It Easy to Do the Right Thing
“Wouldn’t everyone potentially benefit from an earned reputation of always getting it right and enabling others to do the same?”
Hand-Selected Favorites from the Esri Team
“Location is powerful. Location matters. To paraphrase Covey, you must understand something before you can address it. For utilities, putting problems in the context of location helps them find solutions.”
Digital Transformation, the Beatles and GIS
“GIS provides insight. Understanding where. Measuring. Relating assets, people, and natural events. Finding the best locations and paths. Detecting patterns. Making predictions.
Run-to-Failure versus Gold-Plated Asset Management
“Is it best to carry a spare water pump around in the trunk waiting for it to fail? Is it best to build the future grid by replacing utility assets on an unplanned basis? The 1980s are behind us—utilities can now further optimize asset management decisions with better data and modern analytics.”
Asset Management – What Would be Better?
“The next time you see an engineer go to look at the faded cable replacement map remind them it could be better. Optimize the process and get that information in a web browser, a phone app, or right in CAD. Use location technology.”
Customer Care—Why Was It So Difficult?
“Some customers have poles in their yard, and some do not. Some want efficiency rebates; some are very concerned about tree trimming. Understand your customers, and communicate clearly with specifics that match their needs at their location.”
Obsessed with Leadership – Scanning the Gauges
“Who has time to alertly monitor the daily and monthly emails looking for important tidbits? And, by the time the corporate idiot light comes on, it may be way too late. Manage today’s complexity more effectively with smarter instruments rather than the old mechanical gauges.”
Most Viewed by Year
Top Content from an Esri Partner Mentioning Esri
Why Esri’s Utility Network Model is Better for ADMS