How much will this chart evolve in the coming years as the #energytransition shifts electricity generation to #wind #solar and #nuclear? There are a few surprises on this map.
#Hydro is still the dominant source of renewable energy in the world, and dominates the electricity mix in many countries. But not all countries are blessed with good hydro resources.
Solar is shown as number 1 in Germany and Belgium. Unfortunately it’s not in Australia, the map is wrong (did they mix up capacity with generation?). Coal still makes up over half the electricity mix down under.
Wind is number 1 in just one country – Finland.
For wind and solar to dominate, they will need to be backed up with #energystorage and #transmission.
Countries without good wind and solar resources may look to nuclear. Nuclear is number 1 in one country – France
And it’s nice to see geothermal on the map. It dominates in one country – Kenya.
But the swathes of red show how #coal still dominates in many countries, including ones with huge and growing populations – China, India, Indonesia. The transition in these countries will be key to declining global emissions.
And it’s no surprise that countries with cheap #gas have that as their dominant source – the US, Russia, much of the Middle East and North Africa.
How do you think this map will change and how quickly?