Energy in Brazil: incorrect measurement and billing
The monthly electricity bill sent by concessionaires to customers (regulated and deregulated) is segmented by peak and off-peak.
The measurement is made considering the times officially designated as peak and off-peak. However, in the real world, peak and off-peak have changed, and a lot.
Previously, peak was a 3-hour “window” in the late afternoon/early evening. Currently, peak has become a much “wider window”, including part of the morning, afternoon and early evening. What is the consequence?
With the current tariffs, customers are encouraged to transfer consumption to off-peak times, which are no longer off-peak. They are in fact peak.
So what?
The supply will have to be expanded to meet this increase in peak (the real one). Everyone loses. Instead of encouraging off-peak (real) consumption, as in countries that are more organised and developed than Brazil, we maintain an intrinsically flawed system. I am available to change this undesirable, costly and technically indefensible situation.