Some of the natural energy we call Renewable Energy System RES are physical free flow, the other ones, mostly thermic carbon fueled may be forced flow ….this means the expenses for them are economical and political different from one landscape to another one.. I noticed that a poor landscape can send high values to another social system, by not profiting much, while the energy receiver can create more values by machinery and installations. Today huge carbon energy resources are in a phase out state… .thats why some free flow energy , like solar , wind , became more ideologic and focus of electric and data industry.
Since longer time we do have less real free flows, but DDS Data Driven System ….organizing, metering the flows of specific fashionable energy flows… like solar, H2, waste gas etc…..Some of them local available, some of them remote, designed for a landscape. Most important design criteria is availablity , affordablity, reliablity… we are switching from one crisis plan to another one…while forgetting to realize ESI is needed to meet landscape challanges and its capacity …..
A typical basic ESI would by based on AC/DC, Gas, Water….. all of them with specific forms of Energy Storages…. so that that the Basic ESI Idea is to control and interchange storage energies like G2P, P2G. W2P…..Bascially, it seems for me essiental to make water resources a lead energy for life sustainablity.. Many more question arise with DDS organizing the ESI in a local landscape, connect it globally to other landscapes in bigger grids like the ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G while there is no real ENTSO-W . This means for example selling 1 kg H2 also means to sell 9 L. Water from one place to another , while the absence of water causes desertification in one place. This is why ESI consideration would be more important for all Social and Natural System in the future, more as considering one single energy flow or one single market.
The basic risk of ESI also would be Hypercomplexity, as nature is a hypercomplex quatum system by randoms… it would be too expensive to organize DDS on a inter-landcape scale…controlling all this not-steady flows… but in a regional landscape it can work without big players in a affordable manner, also meeting energy justice standards between users, while a bigger DDS can only promise a common wealth …. Those ESI then should have public transparency, like someone looks into a painted picture of healthy landscape