Energy and deglobalization
The prevailing trend, which has been analyzed and reported in the main American media outlets, is the so-called “deglobalization”.
The introduction of (high) import tariffs to stimulate local production is an emblematic example of this trend. The consequences are – as yet – unpredictable quantitatively.
On the one hand, countries that adopt this “policy” will benefit their GDP, but at the expense of a potential price increases.
And this strategy would bring higher inflation.
And what does all this have to do with Brazil?
A lot! If exporters have a substantial reduction in deliveries, their costs will increase because they will lose scale. And as a result, products imported by Brazil would have their costs increased.
New times. Challenging. As always, those who prepare themselves, studying possible scenarios, discovering alternatives that can be contracted and, finally, making well-informed decisions will come out ahead!