Energy storage in Brazil
In our country, we have the conditions to create very interesting solutions that are even more efficient from a financial point of view than those that are emerging and thriving around the world. Two “powerful” examples.
1) Residential hot water
Replacing instant showers with electric storage tanks. We have a “valley” of electricity consumption in the early morning, lasting 4 hours, of approximately 15 GW of “depth”. It would be enough to “supply” hot water for around 20 million homes!
2) Hydroelectric dams
Reverse the trend of designing “run-of-river” plants with “dams”. Building these dams is a marginal investment since the power plants already exist!
The great news is that we have the technology, capacity, and it only depends on our initiative! And the best part: these two examples can make a big difference in both cost reduction and environmental improvement.