Energy: who is the biggest consumer in Brazil?
This question arouses our curiosity, of course! In Brazil the biggest consumer is called “CAT” – the nick name for power theft which in the technical jargon is known as “non technical losses”..
And by far!
THE CAT is, objectively, a criminal, who has lived in broad daylight for many decades. It can only be like this because his “COUNTERPARTY” is the PUBLIC OFFICIALS, which is complicit in this harsh reality.
If this were not the case, there would be a fight against this practice that costs all honest consumers.
And Brazil is one of the countries where energy is stolen the most as a percentage of that delivered by the production chain (generation, transmission and distribution).
This horrible situation leads us to believe that there is a SCHEME worth billions of USD that maintains the “status quo” without ceremony.
When will we demand a change of attitude? Or will we continue like this?