Dolphyn Hydrogen
Progress in South Wales
Located in Wales, the project is expected to use Dolphyn Hydrogen’s technology to provide “credible engineering-backed evidence to support offshore hydrogen production.” In June (2024), Dolphyn announced it had produced hydrogen from seawater in a marine environment for the first time in the UK.
Wales and West Utilities’ (WWU) 100% hydrogen pipeline, Hyline Cymru, will transport the hydrogen to the onshore infrastructure. WWU’s Head of Net Zero & Sustainability, Matt Hindle, claimed it could provide a route to market for 16TWh of hydrogen production capacity.
“With industry focus on the current 4.5GW Floating Wind leasing round, stakeholders within the Celtic Sea region need to do everything we can to maximise the region’s offshore wind pipeline to benefit our transition to Net Zero,” explained Tim James, Infrastructure Development Director at Celtic Sea Power.