Carbon Dioxide | Shipping
The evidence gathered from the performed qualification activities is concluded sufficient to confirm that there are no technical showstoppers associated with a low-pressure CO2 ship transport value chain, hence that the technology is deemed ready for first use. It shall be acknowledged that there are remaining technical issues that require attention during project specific development and execution.
The feasibility of a low-pressure liquefaction plant was demonstrated by developing a conceptual design addressing material and equipment selection, operating modes, storage, means of loading ships, as well as handling of the contaminants in the CO2 stream. The experimental programme executed in synergy with the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) provided evidence for the liquefaction of CO2 at low pressure.
The conceptual design of ship, cargo tank and cargo handling system concluded that a dedicated LCO2 carrier with a design pressure of 10 barg can be designed according to relevant rules and regulations and with sufficient efficiency in terms of transported and emitted CO2. The testing campaign on a medium-scale pilot rig demonstrated that cargo handling operation can reliably be carried out without dry ice formation at vapour pressures in the range of 6 to 9 barg.
Lastly, the accuracy and suitability of design process simulation tools were benchmarked with good agreement against experimental tests. The benefits of performing dynamic process simulations on a full-scale conceptual design were also demonstrated.