ABS | Methanol Bunkering, Technical and Advisory
There are currently no International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards developed for methanol as
a marine fuel. The fuel quality issues of methanol are far less than may be experienced with conventional residual
fuel oils or liquefied natural gas (LNG).
The ISO/DIS 6583 Specification of methanol as a marine fuel for marine
applications is currently indicated as under development stage at the ISO/TC 28/SC 4 Technical Committee.
Until this specification is published, the fuel specification and quality should be subject to the minimum statutory
requirements for sulfur content and commercial agreements between supplier and purchaser. Agreements for
fuel supply should also take into consideration the International Methanol Producers and Consumers Association
(IMPCA) Methanol Reference Specifications and the required specifications of the equipment manufacturers, i.e.,
the engine and fuel supply system designers
Methanol, Ammonia and Hydrogen