Energy and austerity (Brazil)
An essential characteristic for the electricity sector, and energy in general, to be competitive is austerity.
This is something “unknown” to our official leaders:
1. Power theft
They represent a significant part of the bill that everyone pays (in tariffs)
2. Subsidies
I refer to those that are no longer necessary BUT continue and that everyone pays (in the tariffs)
3. Lack of demand response programs
It would save costs for everyone, just as seen in developed countries
4. Projects from “friends”
Crony power plants that are not competitive but “released” for construction and that everyone pays (in tariffs)
5. State-controlled companies
“Friends” are unceremoniously appointed to important positions with all the perks and which everyone pays (in the tariffs)
Being austere goes against the status-quo. That’s why people with this profile aren’t even considered because they need people from the “system”.
When will we have the courage to change?