Thank you for checking out the Energy & Sustainability digest. This piece compiles important articles that concern different elements of grid technology, transmission, distribution, energy storage, and all associated technologies. The articles referred to in this piece are just a small smattering of the content posted on Energy Central, so make sure to check the rest of the site.
Get to Know Your Fellow Community Member
Spotlight: Joel Stronberg
What sets Energy Central apart from other online industry outlets is the true community-level feel. To highlight that aspect, this spot each month will feature a quick profile of one of your fellow Community Members for you to get to know and inspire you to reach out to them: leave a comment on their recent Energy Central content, follow their profile, and build a new connection in the industry!
Name and Title: Joel Stronberg, President of the JBS Group
Topics of Focus: Energy Policy, Sustainability, Climate Change
Recent Energy Central Contributions of Note:
Climate Politics: The View from Washington
The New Face of Climate Protest: Can You Hear Them Now?
What Choice Do We Have in 2024 If We’re to Save the Planet?
Top Content This Month
New Resource to Connect Developers with Technical Projects Focused on Sustainability by Dan Brown
From seasoned developers to newcomers, this curated directory offers a pathway to make meaningful contributions to open sustainable technology, fostering innovation for the benefit of utilities, governments, and beyond.
“Countless talented developers around the world are looking for ways that their talents can contribute to sustainability. The open source Open Sustainable Technology project already offers a free directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, energy, biodiversity, and natural resources.“
Read the full article and leave a comment or question for the author here
Environmental News Briefs – Winter 2023 by Tom Rolfson
“Keep up with key environmental and regulatory news from the last few months. Some pretty important stuff going on behind the scenes, especially the update to the PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards.”
Read the full article and leave a comment or question for the author here
Ep. 49 Bitcoin’s Interaction with Power Markets with Galaxy Digital by Benjamin Walsh
Dive into the world of Bitcoin mining and renewable energy with Blake King, Power Markets Engineer at Galaxy Digital, as he explores PPA structures for miners and sheds light on the symbiotic relationship between Bitcoin mining and renewable resources.
“This week on the show I had the pleasure of sitting down with Blake King, the Power Markets Engineer for Galaxy Digital. Right out of the gate Blake and I get into PPA structures for bitcoin miners and what those relationships are like.”
Read the full article and leave a comment or question for the author here
Recent Q&A in the Community
Q: Could you recommend BOOT (build, operate, own and transfer) providers, experienced with inside the fence power projects (industrial, commercial and institutional energy users)?
Read submitted answers and or add your own!
Q: What does meant by ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Code) and ENS (Eco Niwas Samhita) in Indian context and how is it considered globally?
Read submitted answers and or add your own!
Upcoming Energy Central Events
Jan 23-25: POWERGEN International 2024
Jan 30-31: 4th EV Charging Infrastructure Summit – North America, West
Jan 30 – Feb 1: MD&A 2024 Turbine and Generator Inspection and Repair Technology Seminar
Feb 5-8: 2024 AESP Annual Conference
Feb 8: A Stepwise Journey Toward Digitalization and Grid Modernization [an Energy Central PowerSession]
Tapping into the Community
We want to make sure this Community is full interactive and properly reflects what you want to be seeing. So in this space each month we’ll leave a quick question seeking your feedback: this could be to gather your input on a new feature on Energy Central, to take the pulse of how the Community feels about a certain industry development, or even a fun ‘ice-breaker’ type of question.
Each month, we’ll provide a review of the answers received in summary as well as the new question for the month.
This month, we want to hear about the topics you’re most excited about heading into the new year. Using the poll feature below, we’ll collect their feedback on a certain question.
Thank you for reading this digest. Feel free to comment on or share any article that you like. This site has many sections that cover just about every section of energy, so make sure to check any other areas that might interest you. Please check this section again next month, there will be another digest.
Make sure you don’t miss out on these shared insights in the future.
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