The Norwegian Hydrogen Guide
Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be produced from all energy sources,including natural gas and renewable energy, both of which Norway has in abundance.
Due to a rapidly increasing share of intermittent energy sources like solar and wind power in the energy system, there has been a substantial increase in the interest for hydrogen, both to decarbonize and to enhance the flexibility
in the energy system.
To accommodate and facilitate for the needed growth, the Norwegian government must take an active part. It is NHF´s ambition to be a
constructive partner for the authorities in this respect.
The first National hydrogen strategy was launched in 2005 by the Ministries of Petroleum & Energy and Transport & Communications. In June 2020, the government presented a new Norwegian Hydrogen Strategy, and in June 2021 they followed up
with a roadmap.
The roadmap was part of the White Paper “Value creation from Norwegian Energy Recourses”. The White Paper states that Norway’s position as an energy nation will be further developed through new initiatives such as hydrogen, offshore wind, strengthening of the grid and low emission oil and gas sector.