Energy: limits of outsourcing
Any topic that a company wishes to address regarding energy can be outsourced.
Energy efficiency through “shared savings” in which the customer receives part of the results without having to invest.
High voltage access through “build, operate and transfer” in which the customer receives a substation and even a transmission line connecting them to the local concessionaire and will also get a portion of the monthly savings.
Contracting energy whether from the public grid or on-site (distributed generation or cogeneration) having only to pay for the “commodity”.
Even if whoever is in charge of the client’s business – an upper manager for example – if he/she is in a “bad” phase, a psychologist may be contracted to help!
But there is a challenge that CANNOT be outsourced. It is about knowing at least the strategic aspect of the energy issues so that good quality decisions are made! There is no way to “transfer” this task!