Compressed air will become the end all for energy storage. There are simply too many advantages to this form of energy. One being, you can use compressed air in a column of water, using displaced fluid science to remove the compressed air losses, and approach over 90% efficiency.
Let me show you how. All new science comes with growing pains. Imagine how difficult finding gasoline was in the beginning, and we all see how that turned out! But there is something mission critical you must consider. Oil fueled vehicles are going to die eventually. Oil fuels have simply reached their limitations. (Study Duncan and Youngquist from Mobil oil for a better understanding of oil limitations)
But have you really thought what impact that will have on all of us? There are no options for renewable energy. A few things for you to contemplate.
1) Renewable energy is how all energy will be. Basic logic.
2) Solar panel and wind turbines will achieve base load status, by compressing air, not generating electricity.
3) Automotive manufacturers who fail to understand this will go bankrupt eventually.
4) All electric power will drop in price by 80%. You must see how this works!
5) All electric power will be generated locally and will be owned by the local government, and managed by residents of the local community. Government can not profit, so any electricity they generate is based only on real cost!
There is a new day coming. Look into the future here