In December DOE issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) on service transformers. Replies were originally due back in January, but some time was allowed to provide proper replies. DOE has not had those replies for more than 6 months. Replies that showed how bad the idea was.
In the meantime the lead times on those transformers keeps rising, because the current factories and machines are complete JUNK if that NOPR is implemented and in 4 years, the older style transformers can’t be made anymore.
DOE – how about you make up your mind on the NOPR? DOE are you really that set on breaking the grid, by forcing fossil generation off the grid, and stopping renewables from getting interconnected?
Yes, DOE, if you approve the NOPR, you are headed to court. That is assured. If you say no, likely the environmental groups are taking you to court too.
In the meantime, we are not building enough transformers to add EV chargers or solar to the grid. We are not building enough transformers to add heat pumps to the grid. You are shooting yourselves in the foot with this delay. Make a choice DOE and let the court cases begin. Sec. #Granholm lets see some leadership here! Advisor #Podesta a little White House attention?
All of this lead time over three-one-hundredths of one percent efficiency!
Right now stocks are so low that one major hurricane will mean that some people may not get power back for months. Great place to put the public in #DOE!