Germany | National Hydrogen Strategy Update
The use of hydrogen and its derivatives will play a key role in the decarbonisation process, in parti[1]cular for the transformation process in the energy sector, the transport sector and industry that is due to be completed by 2030. For this to happen – in view of investment cycles that frequently last many years – the foundations for forward-looking invest[1]ment decisions need to be laid today and in this legislative period. The NHS update is intended to establish reliable guard rails for private investments in sustaina[1]ble, but in particular the economic, ecological and social production, transport and use of hydrogen, its derivatives and hydrogen application techno[1]logies. It is imperative that the required integra[1]tion into the overall German energy system be in line with international human rights, labour and environmental standards (e.g. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Guiding Princi[1]ples on Business and Human Rights) in addition to meeting standards on corporate due diligence.